Easy level ups: Method 1: Go to Rimmington, then go to the room where two logs respawn.
Go in it, close the door, then wait until the little
level 2 rats respawn there. Kill them until you reach
level 5, then go back to Lumbridge. Go to the room
with goblins in it. Close the door and wait until they respawn.
Kill them and level up to about level 10. Then, go to Varrok
and kill any level 9 men and level 10 muggers until you level up five more
times. Then, go to the
Easy level ups: Method 2: An easy way to level up in your ranger level
is to go to Port Sarim. Go inside the jail. Note: You
will not be able to get your undamaged arrows again -- bring a lot of them.
Shoot at the goblin first until you gain some levels, then
kill the mugger followed by the thief, black knight, and other prisoners. You
will level quickly. Another place of interest for rangers is the wizard tower.
Go down the stairs until you cannot proceed further. Look for the lesser daemon
that is caged up. Note: Once again, you cannot get your arrows back. Also,
beware of the level 25 dark wizard with a beard who will attack you.
Easy level ups: Method 3: You can level your attack level (not
strength) up to 8 at the Varrok training center (the one with five dummies in it) next to the east smithing area.
Easy level ups: Method 4: Go to the hut in which you talk to the
ancient Gnome. Attack the level 47 Jungle Spiders. These give more experience
than level 56 Knights or level 79 Lessers.
Easy level ups: Method 5: An easy way to get your attack to any desired
level is at Varrock. Go to the dummies by the museum.
Hit the dummies until your attack level is 8. Once at 8, you will no longer be
allowed to hit the dummies. Drink beer until your attack is 0 then keep hitting
the dummies. Once your attack returns to 8 or more, repeat by drinking the
beer. Note: The dummies only give 5 experience points for every hit.
Easy level ups: Method 6: Go to Falador and
get a Sleeping Bag, any kind of Pickaxe, and a Hammer. Go north to the mine.
Stay there until you are satisfied with your mining level. Then go to Falador and smelt the ore. Go to Doric's house and smith
the ore. Repeat this to gain higher mining and smithing
Easy level ups: Method 7: A good training location is the third floor
in the black knight castle. There are non-aggressive black knights respawning there, and an Altar. To get in, first make sure
you have a medium Bronze Helmet and an Iron Chain Mail. Then, go to world one
and enter the fortress. Go through both doors so that you are in the black
knight meeting hall. It has three long tables. Then, go through the door (not
the one you just came in from). The reason this is done in world one is because
people are attacking the black knights and they will not stop you from going in
the door. Once you get through the door, log out and go to a less crowded
world. Then, go up the stairs to the second floor, then up the ladder to the
third floor. If you have a high enough Pray level, put on Rapid Heal; whenever
you are low on Pray points recharge at the altar. Another benefit of training
here is that if you are very low on HP and do not have food, leave and to the
monastery; then repeat the process to get back in.